The fifth season of the One Piece anime series was directed by Kōnosuke Uda and produced by Toei Animation. Like the rest of the series, it follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his Straw Hat Pirates, but instead of adaptating part of Eiichiro Oda's One Piece manga, it features three completely original, self-contained story arcs. The first five episodes, each following their own plots, form the "Dreams!" (ドリームス!) arc. The next three episodes make up the "Shutsugeki! Zenii Kaizoku Dan" (出æ'ƒ! ゼニィ海賊団?, lit. "Sortie! Zenny Pirates") storyline and focus on the Straw Hats meeting an old moneylender. The last five episodes form the "Niji no Kanata e" (虹の彼方へ?, lit. "To the Other Side of the Rainbow") arc and deal with the protagonists getting trapped inside a mysterious, rainbow-colored mist.

The season initially ran from November 3, 2002, through February 2, 2003, on Fuji Television in Japan and was released on DVD in five compilations, each containing one disc with two or three episodes, by Toei Animation between March 3, 2004, and July 7, 2004. The season was then licensed and heavily edited for a dubbed broadcast and DVD release in English by 4Kids Entertainment. Their adaptation ran from August 4, 2007, though September 22, 2007, on Cartoon Network and omitted seven of the season's thirteen episodes. It was the last season to be dubbed by 4Kids Entertainment. DVDs of their adaptation were not released. Starting with the sixth season, Funimation Entertainment took over dubbing new episodes for broadcast on Cartoon Network. Eventually they began redubbing the series from the start for uncut release on DVD and released the fifth season, relabeled as "One Piece: Season Two â€" Seventh Voyage", on May 11, 2010.

Toei Animation's version makes use of three pieces of theme music: one opening theme and two ending themes. The opening theme is "Hikari e" (ãƒ'カリヘ?, lit. "Toward the Light") by The Babystars. The ending themes are "Shining Ray" by Janne Da Arc for the first two episodes and "Free Will" by Ruppina for the rest of the season. The 4Kids Entertainment dub uses an original piece of music as both opening and ending theme. The opening features a rap performed by Russell Velasquez.

Episode list

List of One Piece episodes (season 5)


"The Zenny Pirate Crew Sortie!"

"Beyond the Rainbow"

Home Releases

List of One Piece episodes (season 5)




List of One Piece episodes (season 5)

List of One Piece episodes (season 5)

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