This is a list of independent bookstores sorted by country, and includes both current and defunct companies. This list includes smaller chains of stores operated along the lines of independent bookstores. This list includes brick-and-mortar stores that also may sell via online commerce.
- Foreign Language Bookshop, Melbourne
- TLC Books, Brisbane
- Bison Books in Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Attic Books in London, Ontario
- Bakka-Phoenix in Toronto, Ontario
Black Bond Books, small independently run chain of stores in the lower mainland of B.C.
- José Corti in Paris
- Shakespeare and Company in Paris
- BuchGourmet in Cologne
- Atuagkat Bookstore in Nuuk
- BooksActually in Tiong Bahru
United Kingdom
- Barter Books in Alnwick Station, Northumberland
- Compendium Books in London
- Daunt Books in London
- Foyles of London
- Stanfords in London
United States
See also
- List of bookstore chains
External links
- American Bookseller's Association (United States)
- Bookstore Guide (Europe)
- Local Bookshops (United Kingdom and Ireland)
- Australian Independent Bookseller
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