The Tokyo Anime Award started from 2002, but was named in 2005. The first, second and third awards were only named simply 'Competition'. The award ceremony was held at the Tokyo International Anime Fair (TAF) until 2013. In 2014, after the merger of Tokyo International Anime Fair with Anime Contents Expo and formation of AnimeJapan convention, Tokyo Anime Award started as a separate festival called Tokyo Anime Award Festival (TAAF).

Notably, there is Open Entry Awards for amateur creators (Grand Prize is awarded with one million yen). Though there are about ten main judges, total judges are over one hundred people. Various talents participate to judge, such as anime staffs, professors of the universities, producers and chief editors of various magazines including the anime magazines. (See also: Animation Kobe).

Animation of the Year

Tokyo Anime Award<a name='more'></a>

All anime released from December 1 of the year beforehand to November 30 of the previous year in Japan become candidates. The anime that represents the year in the works nominated to each section is chosen.

In the first year, the award was given to Spirited Away as 'Grand Prix'. In the second year, there was no award; therefore, the 'Best Entry Awards' in the 'Notable Entries' are often recognized as 'Grand Prix': Millennium Actress (film), Hanada Shōnen-shi (TV) and Sentō Yōsei Yukikaze (OVA)

Since 2014, Tokyo Anime Award Festival gives Anime of the Year Grand Prize in two categories, Film and Television.

a. ^ Anime of the Year Grand Prize

Open Entries / Competition Grand Prize

Tokyo Anime Award

The awards for the creator of the non-commercialized work for TV, movie and OVA, to find new talents and to provide support for subsequent commercialization. The work must be an animation longer than 15 seconds, and no longer than 30 minutes. If the work was not commercialized before, professional creator also can enter this Grand Prize. The 2007 winner, Flutter, was the first work from a non-Asian country to win this award.

b. ^ Best Entry Award in Amateur Category
c. ^ Best Entry Award in Student Category
d. ^ Competition Winning Programs

Notable Entry

The excellent works of the year are chosen according to each section.

Individual Awards

Tokyo Anime Award

The individual awards for the activities of the previous year.

Best Director

The awards for animation directors. Though this award does not limit to the directors of films, it has a tendency to be given to film directors.


Tokyo Anime Award

External links

  • Tokyo Anime Award Festival
  • Tokyo Anime Award

Tokyo Anime Award

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