Dragon Ball Z (ドラゴンボールゼット, Doragon Bōru Zetto, commonly abbreviated as DBZ) is the long-running anime sequel to the Dragon Ball TV series, adapted from the final twenty-six volumes of the Dragon Ball manga written by Akira Toriyama. The manga portion of the series debuted in Weekly Shōnen Jump in October 24, 1988 and lasted until 1995; the anime adaptation premiered in Japan on Fuji Television on April 26, 1989, taking over its predecessor's time slot, and ran until its end on January 31, 1996, lasting 291 episodes in Japan, and 276 episodes in the United States originally, although all 291 episodes were later broadcast when content from the first 67 episodes was restored.

Dragon Ball Z uses four pieces of theme music in the Japanese version. From episodes 1-199, the opening theme is "Cha-La Head-Cha-La" by Hironobu Kageyama, and the closing theme is "Detekoi Tobikiri Zenkai Pawā!" by MANNA. From episodes 200-291, the opening and closing themes are "We Gotta Power" and "Boku-Tachi wa Tenshi Datta," both by Hironobu Kageyama.

Seasons overview

List of Dragon Ball Z episodes

A note on the "Season" nomenclature:

The "seasons" that comprise the following list correspond to the remastered box sets released by FUNimation from 2007 to 2009. However, these "seasons" only correspond to story arcs (which are themselves split at debatable points), and not to the pattern in which the show actually aired in either Japan or the United States.

In Japan, Dragon Ball Z (like both of the other Dragon Ball series) was aired year-round continuously, with regular pre-emptions for sporting events and television specials taking place about once every six weeks on average.

Only when the series was broadcast in the United States was the series split into the standard seasonal cycle of new episodes followed by repeats followed by new episodes. The series was broadcast in eight separate near-continuous blocks (1-35, 36-67, 68-107, 108-117, 118-194, 195-237, 238-276, and 277-291), with breaks varying between four months to over a year between each block. In only one instance (between episodes 194 and 195) was there actually parity between the DVD release and the actual broadcast sequence in terms of the end of one "season" and the beginning of the next.

Episode list

List of Dragon Ball Z episodes

Season 1: Saiyan Saga (1989â€"1990)

Season 2: Namek and Captain Ginyu Sagas (1990â€"1991)

Season 3: Frieza Saga (1991)

Season 4: Garlic Jr., Trunks and Androids Sagas (1991â€"1992)

Season 5: Imperfect Cell and Perfect Cell Sagas (1992)

Season 6: Cell Games Saga (1992â€"1993)

Season 7: Great Saiyaman and World Tournament Sagas (1993â€"1994)

Season 8: Babidi and Majin Buu Sagas (1994â€"1995)

Season 9: Fusion and Kid Buu Sagas (1995â€"1996)


List of Dragon Ball Z episodes



List of Dragon Ball Z episodes

VHS and DVD and Blu-ray releases

Region 1 (North America)

VHS Saga Box Set

Individual DVD List

Note: The VHS version of "Z Warriors Prepare" (Episodes 109-110) was released in the US as part of a Burger King Kid's Meal promotion and never released as a Region 1 DVD. Funimation re-released "Prelude to Terror" with the missing episodes, resulting in 3-episode and 5-episode versions of the disc being available. Madman Entertainment in Australia released "Z Warriors Prepare" as a Region 4 DVD on December 12, 2000.

Ultimate Uncut Edition Box Sets

Season Box Sets

Funimation Dragon Box Z Sets

Blu-ray Level releases

Season Blu-ray releases

Region 2

Dragon Box Z Sets (Japan)

Season Box Sets (United Kingdom)

See also

List of Dragon Ball Z episodes
  • List of Dragon Ball episodes
  • List of Dragon Ball GT episodes
  • List of Dragon Ball films


List of Dragon Ball Z episodes

External links

List of Dragon Ball Z episodes
  • Official Funimation Entertainment Dragon Ball Z episode list
  • Dragon Ball Z

List of Dragon Ball Z episodes

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