Abu-san (ãã¶ãã") is a baseball manga by Shinji Mizushima that has been serialized in seinen manga magazine Big Comic Original since 1973. It tells the story of fictional baseball player Yasutake Kageura (æ¯æµ¦å®æ¦, Kageura Yasutake). Despite enjoying a long serialization spanning over 30 years, it has received no anime or live-action adaptations. In 1977, it received the Shogakukan Manga Award for seinen/general manga. The first manga volume was released on 01974-05-15-0000May 15, 1974 and as of 02014-04-01-0000April 2014, 107 volumes have been released.
In 2004, Mizushima auctioned off the right to appear as a character in Abu-san for over ¥3 million, as a fundraiser for Mangajapan.
The Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks currently honours Squad no.90, which belongs to Yasutake Kageura.
- ^ å°å¦é¤¨æ¼«ç"»è³ï¼æ´ä»£åè³è (in Japanese). Shogakukan. Archived from the original on 23 January 2008. Retrieved 2008-01-22.Â
- ^ ãã¶ãã" 1 (in Japanese). Shogakukan. Retrieved September 30, 2010.Â
- ^ "Kochikame Manga Reaches 1,750 Chapters, Abu-san Reaches 100 Volumes". Retrieved April 17, 2012.Â
- ^ "Become a Manga Character". Anime News Network. 2004-09-02. Retrieved 2007-12-31.Â
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