Fairy Tail is a Japanese shÅnen manga series written and illustrated by Hiro Mashima. The first chapter premiered in Kodansha's Weekly ShÅnen Magazine on August 2, 2006, and is being serialized weekly. The series follows the adventures of the seventeen-year-old celestial wizard Lucy Heartfilia, as she joins the titular guild and partners with Natsu Dragneel, who is searching for the dragon Igneel. On their journey, they are tasked with completing missions requested by people and collect money for rewards, such as hunting monsters and fighting illegal guilds called dark guilds.
The chapters are being collected in tankÅbon format since December 15, 2006. The series spans over 400 chapters and more than 40 tankÅbon volumes. The manga was adapted into an anime series by A-1 Pictures and Satelight, and aired on TV Tokyo from October 12, 2009 to March 30, 2013. The series is licensed for regional language releases by Star Comics in Italy, Pika in France and Norma Editorial in Spain.
In North America, Kodansha Comics USA and Random House publishes its English language adaptation of the series, chapterwise in Crunchyroll Manga since October 2013. The tankÅbon were first published by Del Rey Manga beginning on March 25, 2008, until Kodansha Comics USA and Random House took over with the thirteenth volume in May 2011, reprinting the earlier 12 volumes under their name. At the New York Comic-Con in October 2012, Kodansha announced an accelerated tankobon release schedule after the 24th volume in March 2013.
Volume list
Volumes 1â"15
Volumes 16â"30
Volumes 31â"45
Volumes 46â"current
External links
- Official Kodansha Fairy Tail website (Japanese)
- Official Del Rey Fairy Tail website
- Fairy Tail (manga) at Anime News Network's encyclopedia
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