The thirteenth season of the One Piece anime series titled "Impel Down" (ã¤ã³ãã«ãã¦ã³, Inperu Daun), was produced by Toei Animation, and directed by Hiroaki Miyamoto based on Eiichiro Oda's manga by the same name. It deals with the imprisonment of Luffy's brother Portgas D. Ace and Luffy's attempt to infiltrate the great prison Impel Down to save him. Luffy meets several old enemies from his past in this arc, including Buggy the Clown, Mr. 2 (Bon Clay), and Mr. 3. After 4 episodes, the ongoing story was put aside for a 4 episode long arc set outside the current continuity, featuring Luffy and his crew's run-in with a group of pirates hired by Shiki, the main antagonist of the film One Piece Film: Strong World. Following this, the Impel Down storyline continued where it had left off.
The season began broadcasting on Fuji Television on October 18, 2009 and ended on July 11, 2010, totaling 37 episodes. This season's beginning was announced in the One Piece Movie 10 Guide Book, "One Piece-Pia". The season is currently being released through DVD compilations; the first two were released on June 1, 2011. The last two DVD compilations are due for release on September 6, 2011.
The season used two pieces of theme music. The first opening theme, titled "Share the World" by TVXQ continues to be used for the beginning of the season. The second opening theme, starting from episode 426 onwards, is "Kaze o Sagashite" (風ã'ãããã¦, lit. "Search for the Wind") performed by Yaguchi Mari with Straw Hat.
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