The fourteenth season of the One Piece anime series was produced by Toei Animation, and directed by Hiroaki Miyamoto. The season began broadcasting in Japan on Fuji Television on July 18, 2010 and ended on September 25, 2011. The season focuses on Monkey D. Luffy as he tries to save his brother Portgas D. Ace. It contains two story arcs. The first is titled "Marineford" (マリンフォード, Marinfōdo), which mainly adapts the 56th to 59th volumes of the material from the One Piece manga by Eiichiro Oda. The second story arc, which is yet to be named, also adapts material from the 59th and 61st volumes of the manga.

The season deals with the war between the Marines and Whitebeard's pirates. Focusing on Luffy, Jimbei and the escaped convicts from Impel Down, they infiltrate Marineford to save Ace, but he is eventually killed. Eventually, Luffy must decide on whether to continue training or go back to Sabaody to see his friends once again. The first DVD compilation was released on October 5, 2011.

The season used three pieces of theme music. The first opening theme, titled "Kaze o Sagashite" (風ã‚'さがして, lit. "Search for the Wind") and performed by Yaguchi Mari with Straw Hat, continues to be used for the first two episodes. The second opening theme, from episodes 460 to 492, is "One Day" performed by The Rootless. The third opening theme, from episodes 493 to 516, is "Fight Together" performed by Namie Amuro.

Episode list

List of One Piece episodes (season 14)


Home Releases



  1. ^ This episode aired as part of a collaboration special for the premiere broadcast of Toriko.


List of One Piece episodes (season 14)

List of One Piece episodes (season 14)

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